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4 Steps to Quitting


No one ever said quitting was easy, but when you decide the time is right to stop using tobacco, our four steps will help prepare you for the challenges that lie ahead. Take it slow and review each step to create an effective plan of action. When you’re done, you will be ready to face all your obstacles head on. Remember: planning ahead can be the key to your success in quitting tobacco for good!

  • Step 1: Thinking About Quitting

  • Step 2: Preparing to Quit

  • Step 3: Quitting

  • Step 4: Staying Quit


When you quit smoking, you can say goodbye to the harmful effects of tobacco and hello to cold hard cash. Use our quitting calculator to add up the money you'll save when you quit tobacco. How much will you save? Soon your biggest problem will be deciding how to spend the extra money you've saved.

If you quit it's like giving yourself a pay rise – you can spend the extra money on whatever you choose. You might like to treat yourself to something special with the money you've saved.



Interesting visual / video links

A documentary about smoking in terms of health and why people

smoke. It contains interviews with smokers and non smokers.

What is the Single Best Thing You Can Do to Quit Smoking?


Smoking Cessation Health Center

Slideshow: 13 Best Quit-Smoking Tips Ever


Slideshow: Surprising Ways Smoking Affects Your Looks and Life


How would you feel if a child approached you for a light to smoke?

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